Handling Difficult Conversations

All business professionals eventually find themselves in situations where they need to have difficult and sometimes unwelcome conversations. This might involve giving an employee a negative performance evaluation, explaining to your boss why a project you’ve been assigned is unworkable, or simply trying to smooth things over with a colleague. These conversations are challenging because they can involve emotions, egos, and legitimate conflicts with differing points of view.

To order an examination copy of an award-winning Bovee & Thill business communication textbook, visit this ordering page

Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Conflict is inevitable in business as people with differing ideas, priorities, and personalities are expected to work toward common goals. It can even be helpful when it generates new ideas and new solutions to business challenges. But conflict often hampers productivity and hinders working relationships, so conflict resolution is an important skill for all professionals.

To request an examination copy of an award-winning Bovee & Thill business communication textbook, visit our ordering page.

What’s Disrupting Business Communication? Your Students Are Holding It in Their Hands

The great challenge of teaching a contemporary business communication course is helping students develop solid communication skills that are compatible with today’s business needs.

Writing, speaking, and listening skills are as vital as ever, but those skills have to be put to use in an environment that has been disrupted by waves of game-changing technologies in recent years.

One of the most disruptive changes to ever hit the field of business communication is taking place right now—and in fact, your students are probably holding it in their hands this minute.

That change is mobile communication, and forward-thinking companies are adopting mobile because it helps them work more productively and forge closer bonds with stakeholders.

Many companies find a need to embrace mobile for the simple reason that their customers and employees already have. You can’t communicate with people if you can’t connect with them, and that connection is increasingly made by way of mobile.

And, keep in mind that only Bovee and Thill’s business communication textbooks cover mobile business communication.

Note: For a wealth of business communication resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw….

To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit http:/blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/texts.

mobile business communication, teaching business communication, business communication, business writing

The link for this video: http://youtu.be/-gCdBgQz_dE

Learn more about mobile communication this looking at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

Watch this video: How Your Students Should Prepare for the Mobile Shift in Business Communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl9pQ…



How You Should Prepare Students for the Mobile Shift in Business Communication

With mobile devices becoming mainstream in business communication, the challenge for those of us in education is to help students adapt their writing skills to this exciting but demanding new format.
The latest editions of Bovée and Thill’s business communication textbooks offer extensive coverage of mobile communication, with numerous features to help you and your students.
Mobile devices are becoming deeply integrated in business, and it’s essential for students to get a current view of professional communication practices.
Only our textbooks offer the in-depth coverage of mobile concepts and hands-on activities that will help students adapt their personal use of mobile devices to the unique requirements of business communication. Major additions include
The Mobile Revolution
The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform
How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication
Collaboration via Mobile Devices Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices
The Unique Challenges of Communication on Mobile Devices
Writing Messages for Mobile Devices
Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices
Visual Media on Mobile Devices
Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
Research on the Go with Mobile Devices
Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations
Job Search Strategies: Maximize Your Mobile
For more information about mobile business communication visit these pages:
Visit the playlist to discover all of the videos about mobile communication: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
To see a wealth of free business communication resources you can use in your classroom tomorrow, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw….
Bovee & Thill Magazines http://www.scoop.it/u/courtland-l-bovee
Bovee and Thill on Twitter https://twitter.com/BoveeThill_Blog

Have You Prepared Your Business Communication Students for a Mobile Job Search?

As companies continue to adapt mobile communication throughout the enterprise, one area with immediate concern for students is the job search process.
Companies know that today’s job hunters are a mobile crowd—and many companies want to make their recruiters more productive by making them mobile-enabled as well.

Perhaps no other aspect of business communication is changing as rapidly as employment communication. Only a few years ago, candidates mailed in paper résumés that were perused one at a time or optically scanned.

Today, most medium and large companies require candidates to apply online, where their qualifications are often auto-filtered by applicant tracking systems.

And now that online process is expanding to mobile, as more companies create mobile-friendly recruiting websites and career apps for mobile devices.

For further information about mobile communication, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com

For a wealth of business communication resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw….

This video's URL: http://youtu.be/iKW6N6Kp84E

To see the playlist for videos about mobile, visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…


Can Your Students Write Professionally for Mobile Audiences?

As mobile devices go mainstream in business communication, they create new writing challenges for professionals at all levels.
The need to write clear and compelling messages is as strong as ever, but now these messages need to be crafted for an increasingly mobile audience.

The latest editions from Bovée and Thill are the first major business communication textbooks to address this shift in the business environment, and they offer in-depth advice and practice opportunities for students.

Coverage of mobile communication challenges is woven throughout these new editions to help students apply the concepts of effective communication to the full range of contemporary business situations.

A set of annotated model documents, for example, illustrates the challenges of using conventional writing approaches in a mobile environment.

Students can clearly see that a writing approach that works well in print or on full screens creates a host of problems for mobile readers.

In addition to emphasizing tight, linear writing, the Bovée and Thill texts offer essential advice for designing and formatting mobile messages.

Students will see the difference these design choices make for reading comprehension and audience satisfaction.

Mobile presents challenges, but it also creates exciting opportunities for entrepreneurs, managers, and others who need to connect with mobile audiences.

Bovée and Thill help students adapt their personal experience with smartphones and tablets to the fast-moving world of mobile business.

The latest editions of Bovee and Thill's textbooks will give your students ample opportunity to develop writing skills for the mobile business environment.

New features include

•  Two dozen model documents, photos, and screenshots that illustrate mobile communication concepts

•  New end-of-chapter questions and activities that focus on mobile communication

•  And a selection of communication cases that challenge students to craft messages for mobile devices

To learn more, visit the Bovée and Thill website, where you can request examination copies and read a variety of articles on mobile communication and other leading-edge topics.

Also, check out Bovee & Thill’s online magazine: How the Mobile Revolution Is Changing Business Communication. You’ll find a link to it on Bovee & Thill’s Business Communication Blog under “Bovee & Thill’s Online Magazines.”

Your students are racing toward a mobile future.  Don’t let an obsolete textbook hold them back.

Importantly, keep in mind that you’ll only find mobile business communication in Bovee and Thill’s business communication textbooks.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee and Thill textbook, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw…

For a wealth of business communication resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw…

This video: http://youtu.be/X0rh0i_8OUY

See the playlist that shows all of the videos about mobile communication: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

Also, see Have You Prepared Your Students for a Mobile Job Search: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKW6N…


Business Communication: The Five Zones of Professional Etiquette

Etiquette in today’s business environment can be a confusing subject, with differing expectations and evolving norms of behavior. This video will help you make positive choices in five distinct areas:

– In the workplace
– Online
– On the phone
– In social settings
– And while using mobile devices

You might be asking yourself if etiquette is worth your time and attention. After all, etiquette sounds a bit fussy, like which fork to use at the dinner table, and maybe even old-fashioned in today’s fast-paced business world.

However, professional etiquette is really just another way of saying respect—that you respect the people around you and respect the culture in which you work.

Poor etiquette is a barrier to successful communication and can undermine business relationships.

How others view you as a professional depends to a large degree on your attention to etiquette. No matter how talented or innovative you are, the impression you leave behind depends on how well you treat others.

No one wants to work with rude or embarrassing people, and poor etiquette can destroy the morale of any workplace.

Digital devices and constant connectivity can make matters worse by depersonalizing communication, so etiquette is more important than ever.

Respect other people’s time, such as showing up for work and meetings on time.

During meetings and conversations, don’t interrupt, even if you need to correct someone.

Coarse language and profanity have become more common on social media, but articulate professionals don’t need profanity to make a point.

Dress appropriately and practice good personal hygiene. Office cultures vary from formal to casual; when in doubt, dress a little more formally or modestly.

Respect personal space. Knock before entering offices, and don’t barge into someone’s cubicle without being invited.

Don’t gossip. It’s a waste of time and often disrespectful to others.

Be mindful of noise levels, particularly in open-plan offices.

Lastly, keep politics and other volatile topics out of the workplace.

When you connect online with colleagues or customers, or whenever you represent your company online in social media, take care to overcome the limitations and risks of digital media.

Avoid personal attacks. Don’t write anything online that you wouldn’t say to someone in person.

On social media and in email or other communication, don’t hijack threads by taking over a conversation someone else started.

To avoid confusion, follow the basic expectations of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

Practice safe digital hygiene to avoid infecting your company’s systems with malware. Keep virus protection and operating systems up to date, and don’t click on suspicious links or open files from unknown senders.

Don’t share inappropriate material, whether it’s jokes, photos, or anything else that doesn’t belong in the workplace.

And finally, remember that digital is forever. Anything you write or post can be sent far beyond your original audience and will likely be saved in an archive somewhere.

Learn about the remaining three zones by watching this video.

Note: A student version of this video is available:

You and your students will get added value with unique, free resources. From the groundbreaking Real-Time Updates to Business Communication Headline News to Bovee and Thill’s business communication videos for instructors, Bovee and Thill adopters can take advantage of an unmatched array of free resources to enhance the classroom experience and keep course content fresh.

To see a wealth of free business communication resources you can use in your classroom tomorrow, visit https://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/resources.
